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Xin County to carry out "love Laba, love warm China" love to send porridge activities

Xin County to carry out "love Laba, love warm China" love to send porridge activities

【十大网堵平台】 This network news (You Huimeng) in order to create a traditional festival cultural atmosphere,Spread the idea of volunteering,Build a vane for public welfare undertakings,On the morning of January 21st,Xinxian city a love public welfare association joint dream Sixiang,Daily porridge kitchen,Knotch Bakery,Eastern 100% School,Chengjun Supermarket jointly participated in the joint action of thousands of public welfare organizations across the country initiated by the "Chinese Volunteer" magazine - "Love La Eight,Love warm China "love to send porridge activities,Sweet Laba porridge for sanitation workers。

Xin County to carry out "love Laba, love warm China" love to send porridge activities

【十大网堵平台】 This network news (You Huimeng) in order to create a traditional festival cultural atmosphere,Spread the idea of volunteering,Build a vane for public welfare undertakings,On the morning of January 21st,Xinxian city a love public welfare association joint dream Sixiang,Daily porridge kitchen,Knotch Bakery,Eastern 100% School,Chengjun Supermarket jointly participated in the joint action of thousands of public welfare organizations across the country initiated by the "Chinese Volunteer" magazine - "Love La Eight,Love warm China "love to send porridge activities,Sweet Laba porridge for sanitation workers。


 This network news (You Huimeng) in order to create a traditional festival cultural atmosphere,Spread the idea of volunteering,Build a vane for public welfare undertakings,On the morning of January 21st,Xinxian city a love public welfare association joint dream Sixiang,Daily porridge kitchen,Knotch Bakery,Eastern 100% School,Chengjun Supermarket jointly participated in the joint action of thousands of public welfare organizations across the country initiated by the "Chinese Volunteer" magazine - "Love La Eight,Love warm China "love to send porridge activities,Sweet Laba porridge for sanitation workers。


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    At 7 am, volunteers came to the porridge delivery site set up in the city to deliver steaming warm porridge for sanitation workers, and to deliver bread and eggs。Looking at the sanitation workers happily eating love porridge, the volunteers' faces are also full of happiness。Jiang Hongbo, vice president of a charity association in the city of Shen County, said: "Sanitation workers work very hard, they get up at five o 'clock every morning to go to work, cleaning and beautifying the city against the cold wind, we should not only do something for them, but also should always respect their labor results, care for environmental health.。”



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    It is understood,The first Chinese Love Porridge in 2018 is a national public welfare advocacy action,Our public welfare organizations around the country sent more than just a Laba porridge, love porridge,More importantly, through the national coalition model to awaken everyone's public welfare, everyone's participation!At the same time, on the basis of inheriting traditional culture,We will encourage public welfare partners across the country to innovate and create,Turn the seemingly simple Laba porridge into a "warm, fun, interesting and loving" cultural festival!


    This year's "Chinese love porridge" from the 21st to the official end of the Laba Festival on the 24th, the number of national joint porridge will reach tens of millions of love porridge!

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