Shandong Mengsixiang Food Co., LTD
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Xinting Street, Xinxian County, Liaocheng City: Hold safety culture speech contest

Xinting Street, Xinxian County, Liaocheng City: Hold safety culture speech contest

【正规的网堵平台】 Eleven players from Shandong Jiahua Health Care Products Co., LTD., Shandong Guanhua Casing Co., LTD., Shandong Huaxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises, combined with their own work practice, talked about their own safety understanding, the speech content is rich and vivid, touching people's hearts and unforgettable。After fierce competition, Han Jinfeng from Shandong Jiahua Health Care Products Co., Ltd. won the first prize。After the game, Shandong Mengsixiang Food Co., Ltd. played a corporate culture video, and relevant personnel introduced the company's safety production culture, which was deeply inspired。

Xinting Street, Xinxian County, Liaocheng City: Hold safety culture speech contest

【正规的网堵平台】 Eleven players from Shandong Jiahua Health Care Products Co., LTD., Shandong Guanhua Casing Co., LTD., Shandong Huaxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises, combined with their own work practice, talked about their own safety understanding, the speech content is rich and vivid, touching people's hearts and unforgettable。After fierce competition, Han Jinfeng from Shandong Jiahua Health Care Products Co., Ltd. won the first prize。After the game, Shandong Mengsixiang Food Co., Ltd. played a corporate culture video, and relevant personnel introduced the company's safety production culture, which was deeply inspired。


 (Liaocheng Daily all media reporter Yu Boping correspondent Ye Teng) On June 15, Xinxian Xinting Street in Shandong Dream Sixiang Food Co., Ltd. held safety production month "Great Wall Cup" speech contest and Xinting street enterprise safety culture work site meeting。

  Eleven players from Shandong Jiahua Health Care Products Co., LTD., Shandong Guanhua Casing Co., LTD., Shandong Huaxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises, combined with their own work practice, talked about their own safety understanding, the speech content is rich and vivid, touching people's hearts and unforgettable。After fierce competition, Han Jinfeng from Shandong Jiahua Health Care Products Co., Ltd. won the first prize。After the game, Shandong Mengsixiang Food Co., Ltd. played a corporate culture video, and relevant personnel introduced the company's safety production culture, which was deeply inspired。

  Through carrying out both powerful and effective publicity and education activities, Xinting Street has improved the quality of public safety, promoted the strict safety management of enterprises, implemented the responsibility of safety production, and promoted the improvement of safety production level and the continuous and stable improvement of safety production situation。

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